Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Update 7-14-10 - Batman, Manhunter, Hitman, Shadowpact

If you were watching the Collected Editions Twitter feed a couple Saturdays ago, you saw that we spend a day making major updates to the reading order of the DC Trade Paperback Timeline, including completing the listings for Batman, Manhunter, Hitman, Hawkgirl, Shadowpact, Brave and the Bold, and a number of other series.

Obviously there are new graphic novels coming out every week, but this latest update represents a milestone for the timeline -- to a great extent, the timeline is now completely caught up with all the post-Crisis on Infinite Earths and relevant pre-Crisis trade paperbacks that DC Comics has ever published. Consider that version 1.0 of the DC Trade Paperback Timeline is now complete.

We will leave the current update standing for a little while longer, and then we already have more to add to the timeline -- additional details for New Krypton, Batman Reborn, and Blackest Night (you caught Paul Hicks' great Blackest Night trade reading order, right?).

One item now being discussed at timeline headquarters is the addition of Sandman books to the DC TPB Timeline. Neil Gaiman's Death is soon to cameo in Action Comics, but also those characters have appeared in JLA and JSA, enough so that if you were following the timeline, you'd want to have read some Sandman before reading those DC stories (not to mention the loose Sandman Mystery Theatre/Starman crossover). And of course there's already a technically-Vertigo series on the timeline with Animal Man. So that's an item still to be considered.

Let me know if you see any books out of place, and happy reading!

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