Saturday, May 29, 2010

Update 5-29-10 - Batman, Legends of the Dark Knight, Question, and Secret Origins

We have a bunch of exciting reading order updates to the DC Universe Trade Paperback Timeline today, including all the Dennis O'Neil Question trade paperbacks, and a cool hard-to-find Secret Origins trade from 1989 that included an original O'Neil Batman story - how often would you find a trade with original content today?

And speaking of Batman, you'll notice a couple of Legends of the Dark Knight trades on the timeline, including Shaman and Venom. Legends causes some difficulty, of course, because the stories are sometimes out of or contradictory to continuity; but then again, Shaman is reflected in Secret Origins and Venom is reflected in Knightfall, so there's some value to these books. You'll slowly begin to see these added to the timeline around the times the stories that are collected were published, and I'll annotate where appropriate as to how the books connect.

Matt Wagner's Monster Men and Mad Monk now appear on the timeline, too, because they lead in to Ed Brubaker's Man Who Laughs, the collection of which also includes a modern-era Detective Comics story. In this way, things are fitting together nicely.

As you know, you can catch the timeline on Reddit, StumbleUpon, and Comic Blips. Thanks to everyone who's been spreading the word!

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