Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Update 4-13-10

The DC Universe Trade Paperback Timeline has a lot new since the last blog update (though eagle-eyed readers will notice changes even when I don't announce them here), including Superman, Green Lantern, Flash, Birds of Prey, Gotham Central, and more.

One item of note this time around is Adam Strange: Man of Two Worlds. This 1990s miniseries, collected in 2003, didn't have much to do with anything in the DC Universe at the time of its publication (Strange had been seen some years before in the Invasion crossover), but much later on the events of the miniseries would be referenced in Green Lantern and JLA. To that end, the collection belongs on the timeline; putting it near Green Lantern and JLA would put the miniseries with the rest of its story, but it wouldn't be true to the general timeline overall.

To that end, I've placed the Adam Strange collection in an open spot at about the time when the miniseries was published. One could choose to read it then, or later with its after-effects. Aquaman: Time and Tide has similar issues; the miniseries took place just before the new Aquaman series that crossed over into Zero Hour; it's not required reading and there are no other collections of that era's Aquaman series, but it occurred at that time, was collected, and gives a fuller picture of the DC Universe, so it's included.

Here's a mention of the DC Universe Trade Paperback Timeline on Reddit and on StumbleUpon.

There's still a bunch of books missing from the DC Universe Trade Paperback Timeline, but we are beginning to narrow the gap a bit. Anything that you're waiting eagerly to see added?

1 comment:

Hix said...

Hey there. You've done a great job with the list. I've been using it read parts of my library in timeline order (starting with JSA).

As far as what I'd like to see added, there seems to be some Superman books missing after No Limits. I was trying to place Emperor Joker in your list - around Batgirl Silent Running I think.

The other books I love to fit in is Hitman with vol 1 & 2 fitting either side of Final Night. I think I read somewhere that you weren't a fan of Hitman, but I'd urge you to reconsider, especially with the new reprints. After Starman, it was the best DC series of the 90's.