Saturday, November 28, 2009

Update 11-28-09

One unspoken rule of the timeline (now spoken) is that in general, numbered trades are presented on the timeline in order. That is, even though Green Lantern: Secret Origin (now added) technically takes place even prior to Legends, I've placed it after The Sinestro Corps War as it was published. This eliminates confusion caused by retroactive continuity, for one thing, and also for the most part keeps the various series in their linear order.

It's for this reason that Justice League of America: Second Coming now appears on the timeline after Final Crisis, even though the events of that book preceed it. Justice League: Sanctuary lead right in to Final Crisis; I've placed Justice League: Worlds Collide right after Second Coming, and since Worlds Collide does cross over with Final Crisis, events right themselves soon enough.

Also added some various titles in the Countdown to Final Crisis section.

When I paste the rather large timeline text file into the timeline Blogger post, my computer seems to "freeze" for a few minutes as the Blogger interface accepts the paste. Anyone also encounter this with large posts, or have any suggestions? The timeline is only going to get bigger.

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