Saturday, April 7, 2007

Update 04-07-07

All right ... did some major reorganizing of the Infinite Crisis trades on the trade paperback timeline into what I think is a pretty coherent order. The major benchmarks are essentially Infinite Crisis #1 (the destruction of the JLA Watchtower and aftermath), Infinite Crisis #4 (the destruction of Bludhaven and the first Superboy/Superboy-Prime fight), Infinite Crisis #5 (heroes appearing in multi-dimensional forms), and Infinite Crisis #6 (the death of Superboy), and I think I have everything pretty well ordered. (As mentioned before, the Superman trades, placed after Wonder Woman: Mission's End, get a little sticky, but otherwise it all looks OK.) I know there's still one or two I haven't put in order--Manhunter: Origins, for one, and then some of the trades that contain half-Infinite Crisis and half-One Year Later, like Birds of Prey: Perfect Pitch--which'll come later.

Can anyone tell me the exact issue of Starman where Jack Knight reflects on having been involved in Young Justice: Sins of Youth?

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